Birthday Candles

This practice helps to create flexibility and ease of movement in the spine. As you turn the wrists, the belly moves back. Inhaling as the spine extends and exhaling as the spine rounds Energy moves around the waist and through the whole body.. All very relaxed!

Settling in Between Heaven and Earth

Finally, after many requests from my students and with the encouragement and assistance from my student Cori, I am offering a few videos. My goal is to eventually provide a series of short, 3-5 minute videos – ‘Qi breaks’ to help reinforce the foundations of moving energy through the body and support you in daily practice. Please be relaxed and comfortable as you perform the movements. In this way, your energy will be able to flow easily through the channels in the front and back of the torso and to the limbs. Make it feel good. Relax and enjoy!

In this first video – Settling in Between Heaven & Earth, we begin by noticing our connection to both the solid supportive energy of the earth and the vast, expansive, boundless energy of the sky. Our inhale helps to bring the energy up through the body, countering gravity with ease. Then we can relax with a long slow exhale yeilding to gravity allowing the energy flow with ease down to the feet. Dancing with gravity.